Top 10 books of 2023

I absolutely dread making a top 10 of the year list. I read over 150 books! How am I supposed to decide?! This year I looked deep within myself and asked — what are the books I most want people to tell me, “You recommended this book to me and I read and loved it too!”Continue reading “Top 10 books of 2023”

This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub (Review)

everyone told me I’d like this book. everyone was right. The vibes book / lip oil / phone case / wine glasses / shoes / backpack / bracelets Maybe that was the trick to life: to notice all the tiny moments in the day when everything else fell away and, for a split second, orContinue reading “This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub (Review)”

Ghosts by Dolly Alderton (Review)

not to be dramatic but this book spoke to my soul on a cellular level. The vibes book / candle / glasses / wine glass / eyeshadow /lip gloss / bow “Being a heterosexual woman who loved men meant being a translator for their emotions, a palliative nurse for their pride and a hostage negotiatorContinue reading “Ghosts by Dolly Alderton (Review)”

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll (Review)

Haven’t stopped thinking about this book since I read it, and I don’t foresee that changing tbh. The vibes book / headphones / pepper spray / fanny pack / wine glasses / shades / candle / lip gloss “Law enforcement would rather we remember a dull man as brilliant than take a good hard lookContinue reading “Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll (Review)”

Hotel Nantucket (Review)

Get you a beach read that has everything — history, romance, even a ghost! The vibe book / dress / hat / beach bag / swimsuit bottoms and top / necklace / sunnies / shoes / earrings The review The Hotel Nantucket is cursed. Well, that’s what the rumors say at least. But when a billionaireContinue reading “Hotel Nantucket (Review)”

The Celebrants (Review)

“To think about life is to contemplate death — it’s what makes living so valuable. Our time here is limited, gone in the blink of an eye.” — Steven Rowley, The Celebrants The vibe book / tissues / top / bottom / cover up / shoes / hat / bag / shades The review A group of sixContinue reading “The Celebrants (Review)”

Meet Me At The Lake (Review)

Your next vacay read has arrived to sweep you away and give you major heart eyes! The vibe It’s giving summer professional coffee fanatic — aka Fern Brookbanks. book / dress / sandals / bag / journal / pens / earrings / necklace / mug / pour over The review Fern spent so much of herContinue reading “Meet Me At The Lake (Review)”

Romantic Comedy (Review)

“If you’re our age and single, dating kind of has to be an act of reckless optimism, right? The triumph of hope over experience?” — Curtis Sittenfeld, Romantic Comedy The vibe The Sally Millz late night writing session (pandemic chair yoga with her stepdad) outfit. book / leggings / shoes / hoodie / notebook /Continue reading “Romantic Comedy (Review)”

The Guncle (Review)

Oh my gosh what a huggable, loveable little summer read. If this one isn’t already on your summer TBR, add 👏🏼 it 👏🏼 now 👏🏼 🕺🏼THE GUNCLE by Steven Rowley🕺🏼 Former TV star Patrick’s fine living his reclusive desert life in Palm Springs but when his college best friend and sister-in-law dies of cancer, thingsContinue reading “The Guncle (Review)”

The Daydreams (Review)

Nostalgic for the Britney/Justin era of pop culture, I’m so mad this book (about a reunion special of a show where high schoolers sing and dance) is a work of fiction. I WANT TO SEE THE DAYDREAMS FR FR! The vibe book (out 5/2) / sweatsuit / shoes / purse / microphone / journal /Continue reading “The Daydreams (Review)”