Yours Truly (Review)

“We’re all a little broken, Briana. We are a mosaic. We’re made up of all those we’ve met and all the things we’ve been through. There are parts of us that are colorful and dark and jagged and beautiful. And I love every piece of you. Even the ones you wish didn’t exist.”

― Abby Jimenez, Yours Truly

The vibe

book / halter dress / jacket / shoes / bracelets / nail polish / bag / glasses / earrings

The review

Dr. Briana Ortiz is days away from a divorce, her brother is in kidney failure, and she’s up for a promotion when…. Dr. Jacob Maddox joins the hospital staff as the lone challenger for her would-be position. She’s completely fine hating the brooding but standoffish coworker when, well, he writes her a letter. Briana can’t deny the friendship that emerges and the two seem to be getting along, which is great, because Jacob needs a fake girlfriend to the wedding of his ex-fiance and brother.

Oh my gosh all the tropes. What a fun little ride this all was. I LOVED Abby Jimenez’s writing — how is this my first book from her!!! I loved the couple’s chemistry and was LAUDING the author for creating a plot that actually moved past some challenges within a reasonable timeframe. The whole time I kept thinking of things that would derail the relationship and then, boom, they’d work it out!

That is until the major miscommunication plot point dropped. Ugh, yes, I know we love to hate on this trope but I do feel like it’s all inevitable… ESPECIALLY with fake dating. Gotta say, that wasn’t even the thing that bothered me the most as the plot progressed. I don’t want to spoil anything but things get wild toward the end and everyone seems to end up… in a similar condition. (Lips, sealed!) Just felt very pointless and illogical, so that took a bit away from all the warm fuzzies I’d want from a good romcom ending!

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