Happy & You Know It (Review)

You know what to do. 👏🏼 👏🏼

The vibe

Book / Headphones / Bracelets / Pins / Jacket / Gloss / Shoes / Cap

Maybe you don’t sing to children as your day job, but you can get some style info from a carefree character who does.

The review

🎶HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT by Laura Hankin 🎶

📝 Brief synopsis: Claire went from rock shows to circle time. The former frontman got bit so gently pushed out of her band before they hit it big. Now, to stay afloat, she joins a morally corrupt yet wealthy af baby playgroup in New York. There’s Whitney — a mommy influencer always snapping pics and bringing free stuff daily, Amara — ferociously honest ex-TV exec trying to hide her money problems, Gwen — who’s got the perfect life and husband (or so everyone thinks).

🚫 CW: drugs, adultery, alcoholism

💭 My thoughts: It’s exciting when a general fiction novel has some sort of reveal (why should thrillers have all the fun?) and this one was so well done! Billed as a dark comedy, I wasn’t necessarily laughing the whole way through but I definitely appreciated the nuances and character development. Speaking of characters holy moley were there A LOT. There are several moms, several babies and husbands, plus a bunch of characters named and alluded to that we never really meet. It was a lot to keep track of! I did find myself rooting for some of the characters (yes, even the morally corrupt ones lol). This was my bookclub’s pick and I can’t wait to discuss with them next weekend!

🌟 Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

📖 Read if…. you were wondering how the teens of Gossip Girl turned out as parents.


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